Consistency: The “Secret” Everyone Pretends Not to Know
Consistency is the key that unlocks the door to success in any aspect of life, and fitness is no exception. Whether you're striving to shed those extra pounds, build muscle, or improve your overall well-being, consistent effort is vital for long-term progress. Think of it as a hero’s journey, there’s going to be setbacks and adversity, but also excitement and wonder. That’s what makes the destination, and more importantly the overall journey, that much more worth it.
Building Habits and Routines
Consistency is essential because it helps you build healthy habits and routines. The hard part is making it a habit. You’re going to have to be disciplined with your consistency. And that means doing that workout or eating that vegetable when you may not feel like it. It’s not very appealing or fun but a necessary discomfort to bring forth a change that you want in your life. The good thing is when something becomes habitual it becomes that much easier. It’s no longer something you have to “make time for'', it's just part of your day. Not only that, but by this point in your fitness journey you may find yourself excited for your next workout. Whether it’s setting that new personal record on your bench press or just the feeling of accomplishment that rides high throughout the day after a tough workout, knowing you gave it your all. This in turn helps the diet stay more consistent because now you want your workouts to keep improving so you want to be sure that you’re giving your body the proper fuel to perform. When you make exercise and make healthy habits a part of your routine, you create a positive feedback loop, leading to increased self-confidence, improved body image, and reduced anxiety. This positive feedback makes staying consistent that much easier.
Progress Over Perfection- Embrace the Journey
Consistency also allows for gradual progress rather than aiming for perfection right away. Many people start their fitness journey with enthusiasm but quickly lose motivation when they don't see immediate results. It’s an easy pit to fall into, “Why am I working this hard if I won’t be where I want to be right away?” As nice as it would be to get that instant gratification, I would argue that instant success isn’t even desirable. Convenient? Yes. However, it is not very engaging. Would Lord of the Rings be as beloved as it is today if Frodo received the Ring and then immediately destroys it in Mt. Doom? Or if Star Wars just had Luke become a Jedi and defeat the Empire in the first five minutes of the series? Of course not. If you’re playing a video game how fun would it be if we had all of the abilities and upgrades and could never die right from the start of the game? Not very. The game IS the journey. The journey is where the destination is “earned” and what makes the effort worth it. It’s about improving a little bit every day and being better than you were yesterday. In fitness you want to learn to enjoy the process because goals are ever changing. Either we reach our goal and want more, or we re-evaluate and realize we didn’t want that goal in the first place. If we don’t celebrate and enjoy the journey we miss out on the best part. We have to realize that progress takes time and consistent effort. It's important to focus on these small, sustainable changes that accumulate over time, rather than expecting instant transformations. It’s these small changes and little victories that are our very own hero’s journey.
“Sam I sure am glad we were able to teleport right to Mt. Doom and drop the Ring in, who knows what could have happened”
Overcoming Plateaus and Setbacks
Fitness journeys are rarely linear; they often involve plateaus and setbacks. However, consistency is what helps you overcome these challenges and fall in love with the journey. When you hit a plateau, it can definitely be discouraging, but realize that it’s just yet another roadblock that you can get around that makes you that much stronger. Setbacks are really where you learn. If you face no adversity on your fitness journey then you have no reason to improve your knowledge. It’s by putting the habits you have learned into practice combined with finding new solutions that allow you to break through whatever barriers or setbacks lie in front of you. By staying consistent and not allowing yourself to fall off the wagon when encountering these roadblocks, you keep pushing forward, and you’ll find yourself accomplishing things you never thought possible.
In the realm of fitness, consistency reigns supreme. By establishing healthy habits and routines, embracing progress over perfection, reaping mental and emotional benefits, and overcoming obstacles, you'll experience lasting changes. Remember, the journey to achieving your fitness goals is a marathon, not a sprint. I’m not saying it will be an easy task, but stick with it, it’s worth it in the long run. Create your own hero’s journey.